Yantic Falls Indian leap
(Transcribed directly from the sign) Yantic falls, known as Indian Leap, was a favorite encampment of the Mohegan Indians. In 1643, Uncas, Sachem of the Mohegans, led his warriors in the famous battle against their rival tribe the Narragansetts. During the battle, the Narragansetts, rather than surrender, attempted to leap the chasm. Unsuccessful, they plunged to their death into the abyss below.
The Yantic Falls became the genesis for industrial development in Norwich. Industry and the use of waterpower in this area dates back to the development of a grist mill in the 1600’s by John Elderkin. Industrial development continued to grow until the early 1900’s. later industries at the Falls included paper making, cotton and nails.
Sign at Yantic Falls, Norwich CT.

Icy waterfalls
Here in late December the falls have taken on a magical hue. The water vapors from the falls have frozen into ice on the rocks and plants downstream, glistening in the afternoon sun it was a welcome surprise to see.

New Park additions
It seems that the city of Norwich is working on adding to the Yantic Falls park. Currently it feels like a hidden gem. I’ve been through the city maybe hundreds of times and never once saw a sign leading me to this park. I was there after leaving Devils Hopyard and looking for a place to eat lunch and get one more trail in before picking up my son for the vacation week.

Harp and Dragon Pub
Before going to Yantic Falls I stopped at the Harp and Dragon Public house for lunch and a few drinks, this may have contributed to me busting my ass on an icy trail, who’s to say. But it was a great pub, no way I could not order the Galway sandwich in an Irish pub. This was Tuesday after Christmas so the only one working was the manager and her daughter, but they took great care of me and the few other patrons there. There more time I spend in Norwich the more I’m convinced that the nickname “Rose of New England” is indeed a true moniker for the city.
Falls Mills Condominiums
I noticed the Falls Mills Condominiums had a beautiful view of the river and the falls. They also have access to the river and a place to keep kayaks for the residents. Can’t say I’m in the market for a condo but this one would be on my list if I was.
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