Are you looking for a good place to go for an afternoon stroll or a day hike with a twist? Look no further, these places offer a good time with a dark past. Bring your favorite ghost hunting equipment, because chances are you’ll discover something lurking in these Haunted New Continue Reading
The stories and legends.
Yantic Falls Indian Leap
Yantic Falls Indian leap (Transcribed directly from the sign) Yantic falls, known as Indian Leap, was a favorite encampment of the Mohegan Indians. In 1643, Uncas, Sachem of the Mohegans, led his warriors in the famous battle against their rival tribe the Narragansetts. During the battle, the Narragansetts, rather than Continue Reading
Devils Hopyard State Park
Located in Haddam Connecticut the Devils Hopyard, also known as Chapman Falls is a place where history seems to have mixed with legend. The land surrounding the falls was used by early settlers to grow hops for the production of beer, and the falls having a stepped appearance with many Continue Reading
Personal paranormal experiences.
This is going to be fun to write, not that I’m some paranormal investigator but I’ve had a few good experiences going all the way back to when I was a kid. Growing up in a house that was built in 1870 and was, as my aunt described it, twice Continue Reading
Harkness State Park
Waterford Connecticut It must have something to do with the Connecticut’s coastlines proximity to New York and the old money that went along with the boom of the industrial age, but the parks that I seem to come across all have this big, old and decrepit sprawling estates with views Continue Reading
Seaside, A Connecticut state park
What a cool spot to find. nestled along the coast in Waterford CT is a small state park with very little parking or signage at all. On the way in there’s a sign that reads “Residents and guests only” and it’s only once you get past the foliage that you Continue Reading
Tales Trails and Taverns
View of Trustom Pond in Wakefield Rhode Island
trails and taverns