10/10 would recommend. Look, It took me like an hour to drive to this trail, but it was worth it. It was a solid mile plus of uphill walking, and it was worth it. There was a bunch of other people on this trail, still worth it. I had to park about a quarter mile from the trail head, and you guessed it, worth it. I would absolutely go back to the Pilfershire abandoned town trail.
Usually I tell you all about my experience and how the trail was, and try to paint a picture of how great it is. This time I am going to tell you to just go, experience this place, walk along the stone walls and soak it all in.
561-539 Firetown Rd, Simsbury, CT 06070

For more hikes with abandoned foundations look here.

Well, well, well
I was walking up the wagon trail back into the center of this town and noticed the well off to my left. It was barely noticeable from more than ten feet away. Besides the leaves on top, it looked like pretty clear water. I wanted to see how deep it was so I grabbed about an eight foot stick and stuck it in there. The stick was almost submerged when it hit the muddy bottom. Watch where you step in this abandoned town.

Wagon road
There is a very obvious couple of wagon roads marked by the double stone walls running along them. this one I followed a ways into the woods and back, I’m not sure how far out it goes but the wall seemed to continue forever into the woods.

Don’t hesitate to plan a day around this trail, well worth it. (See what I did there?)