Joseph Gelinas on Where The Weird Ones Are Podcast. Awesome Interview with Kevin shortly after we met during an investigation of the Conjuring House. Link to Where the Weird Ones Are website.
Find a spot to wet your whistle.
Urban Exploring and Ghostly Encounters
Tales, Trails and Taverns Podcast co-host Rob on Where The Weird Ones Are Podcast. Rob talks about his creepy experiences and even a disturbing story from Iraq. Link to Where the Weird Ones Are website.
Shelter Trail, Arcadia Wildlife management area
It was about two months prior, I was out at dinner at a place in Warwick called the shanty, I was having dinner with my girlfriend and she wanted to buy the drinks in celebration of me putting out the first episode of this podcast. She told the waiter to Continue Reading
Bennington Triangle
The Enigma of the Bennington Triangle Why are the most mysterious places often shaped like triangles? Perhaps it’s the minimal number of points needed to define an area, but there’s something undeniably sinister about it. From the infamous Bermuda Triangle to New England’s own Bridgewater Triangle, these regions seem to Continue Reading
Yantic Falls Indian Leap
Yantic Falls Indian leap (Transcribed directly from the sign) Yantic falls, known as Indian Leap, was a favorite encampment of the Mohegan Indians. In 1643, Uncas, Sachem of the Mohegans, led his warriors in the famous battle against their rival tribe the Narragansetts. During the battle, the Narragansetts, rather than Continue Reading
Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge
The first time I went to Trustom pond I was looking for a place to walk my dog Lucy, so I was a little perturbed by the fact that there’s no dogs allowed in the preserve. But once I got back there again, sans dog, I found what a beautiful Continue Reading
Irreverent Warriors Hike, Norwich CT
The MISSION of Irreverent Warriors is to bring veterans together using humor and camaraderie to improve mental health and prevent veteran suicide.
Canal trail Cape Cod
I must have taken the Canal trail for granted while growing up because I was in my forties the first time I rode the entire trail on a bicycle. It was a beautiful ride, I started at the sandwich side recreational park and headed south toward the train bridge. There’s Continue Reading
Carter preserve loop trail, Charlestown Rhode Island
Carter Preserve in Charlestown Rhode Island is an 1100 acre preserve, established in 2001 by The Nature Conservancy. The land, as beautiful as it is, with the glacial erratic and colonial stone walls, has a dark past. One that can be found while diving deep into the world’s nuclear history, Continue Reading
Mt Manadnock state park
I’m sad to say that as a New Englander it took me until I was forty three to finally climb Mt. Manadnock. What a great trail and what a great mountain this is. I headed up there on a Sunday morning, after wondering what to do with my day I Continue Reading